In fact, there's only a wee bit of time left.
Did I have fun on my birthday?
Glad you asked.
My friends, Shani and Chris, are jewelry artists who also construct armored outfits based on the theme of the warrior goddess.
They call it Metal Body Art.
January just so happens to be Shani’s birthmonth, too.
Shani asked me to celebrate with her by wearing one of her Metal Body Art creations to perform in a show at the MacCallum House alongside all of the other stunning goddesses.
She didn’t have to ask twice.
I give you Countess Von Tempus - time travelling thief and steampunk pirate extraordinaire.
Shani worked up this outfit just for me, complete with goggles, dagger, compass, skeleton key, and a nifty transmogrifier pistol that her dad made.
My magnificent mane is courtesy of Marianella over at Mantras in Mendocino. Try saying that three times fast.

Firewood, flammable gas, a committed miscreant, and a lit cigarette.
What could possiblay go wrong?

Not a thing!
Thank you, Chris and Shani!
Firewood, flammable gas, a committed miscreant, and a lit cigarette.
What could possiblay go wrong?

Not a thing!
Thank you, Chris and Shani!
And thank you to everyone who participated in the show to make this year's birthday one I'll always remember.